Oamaru Club, Oamaru, Oamaru

Lucky Number

Lucky member Number today hits $2000.00, yes Two Thousand Dollars cash up for grabs, you must be here to claim the prize

Live Entertainment continues this week with the Sensational John McCabe, live in the lounge from 7.30pm

Bluff oyster raffles today from 5.30pm followed by happy hour (2 hours) from 6.30pm

A reminder that this years AGM has been postponed until Sunday 30th August 2020, nominations for Executive opening on Monday 3rd August and closing on Sunday 16th August. Voting will take place on Saturday 29th August and Sunday 30th August 2020

Audited annual finance reports will be available for members early next week, please ask at the office or email office@oamaruclub.co.nz

Please take advantage of our FREE Courtesy Coach which runs Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 4pm for Pick Ups and Drop Offs 0800 9990 111

Email: office@oamaruclub.co.nz
Phone: 03 434 6163
Profile: http://oamaruclub.billboardme.co.nz